8 Productivity Boosts From Office Furniture | Engineer Supply - EngineerSupply

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8 Ways Office Furniture Can Improve Productivity

Blog 8 ways office furniture can improve productivity

By providing a supportive, comfortable work environment, you make it easier for employees to engage with their coworkers and their tasks. Safco products and office furniture can help you create a high-quality office experience that motivates your team to increased productivity.

Blog 8 ways office furniture can improve productivity

1. It Improves Communications

Chairs that are comfortable and seating arrangements that create eye contact help team members communicate with one another. Tall dividers or partitions can create barriers that symbolically and physically separate people, so choosing the right size equipment can make it easier for individuals to talk to one another.

2. It Creates Incentive

When you have office furniture that is high quality, you create an incentive for your employees to live up to company expectations. You set a standard of excellence in look and design with Mayline furniture that employees will try to rise to meet through their own actions. It gives incentive to employees to take pride in their work.

3. It Provides Comfort

People who are in pain or uncomfortable during the workday won’t be able to focus on their job very well. Comfort increases relaxation, which allows people to put their focus on the important aspect of their job.

4. It Keeps Clutter Down

With the right Safco products, you can eliminate a lot of distractions from your employees. The right furniture will improve storage and access to it, but specific sizes and layouts can make it easier for employees to keep needed items within reach without wading through distractions. Clutter can be demoralizing or frustrating.

5. It Improves Accuracy

You may not realize how important a desk or filing cabinet is until you have lost an important contract. Good furniture choices improve the accuracy of job duties, whether managing accounts, keeping track of paperwork, or enabling a typist to better reach the keyboard and computer screen.

6. It Creates Relief

Employees aren’t at their desks all day, and the right furniture for the break room or lobby can help employees take a few minutes and recharge. Employees that are mentally and physically tired make more mistakes.

7. It Fosters Connectivity

When employees move around the office to retrieve paperwork or meet new clients, strategically placed furniture can help invigorate teamwork and connectivity to one another. Quick movements are more productive than long walks for something needed.

8. It Keeps Things Clean

Giving people their own space makes them responsible for office cleanliness. Keeping things clean and tidy makes it easier to find things when needed, but it also creates a good impression with clients or consumers.

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Frequently Asked Questions

With so much technology, do offices still need filing cabinets?

Blog 8 ways office furniture can improve productivity

Yes, filing cabinets are still very useful in all office settings. Not all contracts or blueprints can be stored digitally, and many offices still rely on paper copies of digital files for both their clients and company paperwork. Filing cabinets are good for storing invoices, tax forms, and other important documents.

Are standing desks a good investment?

Standing desks have become more popular lately, as it creates a comfortable working option for many people. These are not for everyone, and they don’t always have enough space for those who require multiple monitors to work. However, standing and working may be a way for some to be more productive at work.

Should our company purchase a whiteboard or a SmartBoard?

Though SmartBoards harness digital tech to improve meeting and instructional capabilities, these can only be used by one person at a time. If your office has a lot of collaborative sessions, you may be better purchasing a traditional chalkboard or whiteboard. These can be mounted on a wall or put on casters to be more portable.

Is it better to buy locally or have furniture items shipped?

When you shop Safco products with Engineer Supply, you get an affordable price with no purchase order minimums. There are low shipping costs with a quick and reliable delivery service. You are also purchasing your products from a factory authorized dealer for whatever brand you are shopping.

Do colors really matter in office furniture?

The color scheme for your office furniture should complement the decor of your office environment. Not only should furniture be comfortable, but it should also be pleasing to look at. This makes it a more enjoyable setting to work in.

For the best in office supplies and furniture, check out the selection from Engineer Supply. Whether you need desks, storage for blueprints, or require some art supplies, they carry hundreds of products to keep your office efficient.
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