How Standing Desks Can Improve Productivity | Engineer Supply - EngineerSupply

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Why do standing desks improve productivity?

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If someone said that making one simple change to your work habits could boost your productivity by almost 50%, you would most likely be skeptical. But according to a study by the Texas A&M Health and Science Center School of Public Health, call center employees were 46% more productive when they used a sit-stand desk. Like ridesharing apps, smartphones, and streaming services, standing desks started being used in Silicon Valley. Companies like Facebook and Google provided stand-up desks to their employees for years now. And since then, they have spread throughout the country.

More companies have started using them as a way to improve the well-being of their employees, to encourage collaboration, and to improve productivity. The number of employers that are offering sit-stand and height adjustable desks for their employees has grown by over 30% in the last five years, and the numbers that support the positive impact standing desks have on productivity are impressive. There are a number of physical and psychological benefits of using an adjustable standing desk — all of which can contribute to employee productivity.

Here are four ways that a standing desk can improve your productivity.


#1: It Can Boost Brain Power

Standing up stimulates circulation, which sends more oxygen and nutrients to your brain. Sitting, on the other hand, inhibits this process. In fact, it can negatively impact your blood flow in as little as ten minutes. Physical movement also encourages the creation of new cells in areas of the brain that are associated with critical thinking.

#2: It Can Improve Focus

While ten minutes of sitting can negatively affect your circulation, ten minutes of standing is all it takes to improve your focus. 71% of employees who reduced their sitting time by only one hour a day said their mental focus improved. When you’re more focused, you can work more efficiently and will get more done.

#3: It Can Reduce Pain and Discomfort

Aside from all the other long-term health consequences, sitting all day can cause chronic pain and discomfort. Our bodies weren’t designed to sit all day, and doing so will cause physical stress that can lead to the following:
  • Back pain
  • Joint pain
  • Damaged nerves
  • Chronic headaches
All of the physical discomfort that comes from these conditions can be a major distraction throughout the day, which can affect your productivity.

#4: It Can Increase Energy

Standing up and moving around in small intervals throughout the day can improve your energy level. In fact, 87% of employees who use an adjustable standing desk said they had more energy throughout the workday. Standing can keep your energy levels more stable and can even prevent the mid-afternoon slump. It can also make you more alert, which will improve your focus and level of concentration.

If you’re looking for a place where you can purchase a standing desk for your office or work area, be sure to browse through the broad selection we have at Engineer Supply.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do I need to know about standing desks?


Stand-up desks have become very popular, because early studies have shown that they can be beneficial in terms of health and productivity. This is especially true for an adjustable standing desk, which will allow you to alternate between standing and sitting. But there are some things you should remember about using a standing desk:
  • Alternate between standing and sitting — Sitting too much can be bad for your health, but it doesn’t mean you should be on your feet all day. Studies have shown that there's a strong association between lower back pain and occupations that require a great deal of standing.
  • Adjust your desk and screen — Position your standing desk at about elbow height, which means that your elbows should be at a 90-degree position from the floor. And the top of your screen should be at eye level, with a small upwards tilt that’s between 10 and 20 degrees. That way, you never have to tilt your head up or down.
  • Purchase an anti-fatigue mat — These mats are commonly used in jobs that require long periods of standing. They can reduce standing fatigue by encouraging subtle movements of your leg muscles, which can improve blood flow and reduce discomfort.
  • Change your keyboard and mouse position — Working long hours on the computer can put a strain on your wrists, so it’s important to optimize its position when you’re sitting and standing. The ideal angle while you’re standing is a little more extended than when you’re sitting. Not taking this difference into account while you’re alternating positions can lead to more wrist pain and discomfort.
  • Use arm supports — This kind of soft padding or surface area attached to your desk and can reduce the amount of pressure on your wrist while you’re operating the mouse. A number of studies show that arm supports can significantly reduce the risk of developing neck and shoulder problems.
  • Remember to take breaks — While standing at your desk is better for you than sitting, you should still take some time to move and stretch on a regular basis.
Using a standing desk can be beneficial for your health, but it can take some time to get used to and can even cause more problems if you don’t use them properly.

How long should I stand at a standing desk?

You should alternate between standing and sitting about 50% each way in a single day, which means that you should alternate positions every quarter to half hour. Your body will become acclimated to sitting down after about 30 minutes, which is when the muscles in your lower body start to turn off. Doing this will keep your metabolism working and your blood flowing.

Can a standing desk be good for back pain?

Using a standing desk and moving throughout the day has been shown to reduce back pain. A study that was conducted in 2018 showed that people who used a sit-stand desk and participated in counseling to reverse their sedentary behavior had reduced their lower back pain by 50%.

Are adjustable standing desks beneficial?

An adjustable standing desk allows people to shift more easily between sitting and standing, which can have a number of health benefits. It can promote a healthier, more comfortable, and productive workspace for people who use them. They have even gone from an office novelty to a permanent fixture in many modern workplaces.

How do I stabilize an adjustable standing desk?

The desk is at its sturdiest point when it’s at its lowest height setting. But once you raise it, it will start to wobble. You could try not raising it at all, but it wouldn’t be much use. Most stand-up desks have a number of parts that may need to be fixed all at once, and the wobbling can’t be pinpointed to one particular area. An unstable standing desk can be the cause of any of the following problems:
  • Height setting.
  • Uneven flooring.
  • Improper adjustments.
  • Distribution of items on the desktop.
  • Number of items on the desktop.
  • Induced wobbling caused by typing.
Wobbling can also be induced by combining the desk with office treadmills or other under-desk moving items. If you need to find an adjustable standing desk that you can use in your office or workspace, be sure to browse through what we have at Engineer Supply.
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