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Leaking Pipes: Causes, Problems, and Solutions

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A leaking pipe can cause major headaches for homeowners, plumbers and engineers. Find out how a pipe locator can help you identify a leaking pipe and trace it to the source of the leak. With a quality location tool, finding and repairing a damaged pipe can be a fast and efficient project.

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Causes of Leaking Pipes

There are a number of reasons that a buried pipe can start to leak. Whether it’s a buried water line, septic line or gas line, here are some common causes of a buried leak or line blockage:
  • Tree roots: Trees are incredibly resourceful when it comes to finding water, particularly in dry areas. Over time, roots can creep into pipe seams or small cracks to damage sewer and water lines. This can cause a large leak into the ground or block the flow of water to and from your building.
  • Pipe corrosion: Most buried water lines are now made of plastic or other corrosion-free material, but older buried pipes are often made of galvanized steel or copper. These materials are susceptible to corrosion and the walls can become compromised.
  • Shifting foundation: A settling building, driveway, landscape or other factors can exert additional pressure on water lines. Shifting soil can also cause a portion of the pipe to rise or fall farther than it’s capable of, causing a crack.
  • Pressure or temperature changes: Buried pipes must be buried deep enough to avoid freezing temperatures. Extreme temperature changes or internal water pressure changes can cause a pipe to leak.

How a Pipe Locator Works

The first sign of a damaged pipe may be standing water in your yard or a change in water pressure. If you suspect a leaking pipe buried in the ground, use a location tool to find the source of the leak or trace the full extent of the line. These convenient tools work by using a handheld transmitter. This transmitter reads a signal from the underground pipe or tracer wire. In order to receive a signal from the pipe itself, it must have a metallic linear property. Otherwise, you’ll need a buried tracer wire.

How To Fix Leaking Pipes

Once you get a reading on an underground line, you have a few options for fixing it. Walking the length of the line, you may be lucky enough to notice a damp patch of ground or other obvious sign of a water leak. Otherwise, a full blockage may stop the tracer line inserted into the pipe, which is another clear sign of the trouble spot. In extreme situations, your pipe locator may not locate the damaged area and you may need to dig up much of the underground pipe.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What Causes Pipes To Leak?

Water lines are often compromised by tree roots, freezing temperatures and shifting soil. If the line wasn’t buried deep enough, or was buried too close to a tree, it may quickly become damaged. Inspect the pipe for signs of corrosion. You may experience many other leaks if this portion has started to corrode.

How Can I Prevent a Leaking Pipe?

The best prevention strategies are burying a pipe at the correct depth, choosing a non-corrosive material and choosing a location away from a tree. These steps will reduce the risk of damage and leaks due to roots, freezing temperatures and corrosion.

What Tools Help Discover a Leaking Pipe?

Choose either a magnetic locator or a utility locator to discover buried lines. These tools perform different functions and can’t locate every buried line, so you need to know the pipe material before you choose a location tool. Using the wrong tool may prevent you from finding your line.

What Are the Results of a Leaking Plumbing Pipe?

A leaking water line reduces the water pressure inside your building or prevents water from flowing altogether. A leak in a septic line can contaminate the area around it and cause a clog in the line. If a gas line starts to leak, it could increase the risk of a fire or other hazard.

Where Can I Find Pipe Location Tools?

Shop for locator tools online at Engineer Supply to enjoy great prices on professional tools. Compare an underground utility locator and magnetic locator today to see how you can quickly repair damaged lines and restore water pressure and performance.
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