Schonstedt Instrument Company, Schonstedt Magnetic Locators, Schonstedt Pipe Locators, Schonstedt Underground Utility Locators, Schonstedt Cable Locators - EngineerSupply

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Providing quality magnetic location tools with the utmost in durability.

Schonstedt Instruments

Schonstedt makes quality products and tools that can be used for magnetic and utility location, which is a great tool for underground surveying and excavation. The Schonstedt magnetic locator is a simple tool that can minimize the risk of digging up and damaging utility lines, which often run underground. If you’re looking for a Schonstedt metal detector or any type of utility location device, be sure to look at what we have at Engineering Supply.

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Schonstedt Instruments Features

Read our Helpful Article: Schonstedt Underground Locators Explained

Quality manufacturing

Durable construction

Simple operation

Numerous applications

Great for surveying

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The Schonstedt Maggie is the company’s newest magnetic locator. With a padded carrying case that comes with a convenient handle, you can move this Schonstedt magnetic locator from one place to another without damaging it. And because it has a handle and a convenient on-off switch, it’s comfortable to use. You can replace the batteries at the handle, so you’ll never have to expose the electronic control board. Feel free to look at the broad selection of magnetic locators we have in stock, so you can find a product that will meet your specific needs.


Schonstedt utility locators are some of the best in the industry. With this tool, you can find what you’re looking for quickly. And you won’t run the risk of passing over a target. You'll have to apply an electrical signal to a conductive material, which is sent through a transmitter that’s tuned to a specific frequency. You will then be able to detect this signal with a receiver. To find the right signal, you’ll need to apply the proper frequency. And the signal will get weaker as it travels further away from the transmitter. Be sure to look at the broad selection of Schonstedt utility locators we have in stock, so you can find a product that’s right for you.

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Schonstedt is an established brand that has been proven in the marketplace, which is why Engineering Supply is proud to be a Factory Authorized Distributor. Whether you’re looking for a Schonstedt magnetic locator or some other product, you can find what you need at our store. You want your tools to endure the punishment they can take at a job site, so we’re committed to providing the best to our customers. If you’re looking for a place to find quality Schonstedt products, be sure to look at what we have in stock.


Whether you’re looking for a Schonstedt metal detector or any other underground location device, you can find what you need at Engineering Supply. We have a variety of Schonstedt tools that can be used for any type of utility location. So whether you’re surveying a job site or performing excavation work, you can find a tool that will meet your specific needs. Feel free to look at what we have in our inventory, so you can find a Schonstedt magnetic locator that’s right for you!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I use a Schonstedt magnetic locator?

The Schonstedt magnetic locator can detect metal objects that are made of ferrous materials. So if a magnet can stick to it, this device can find it. But the size of the object will determine the depth by which it can be detected. It won’t be able to find electrical power cables, which are made of aluminum or copper (both of which are non-ferrous materials). But it can find cast iron pipes, property corner markers, steel enclosures, or any other type of hardware that’s made of iron or steel.

How does a Schonstedt magnetic locator work?

A Schonstedt magnetic locator will find anything that a magnet will stick to, which can include any of the following:
  • Cast iron pipes.
  • Property corner markers.
  • Steel enclosure or hardware.
  • Hazmat drums.
  • Mag and PK nails.
  • Manhole covers
  • Marker magnets.
  • Septic tanks.
  • Unexploded ordnance.
  • Valve boxes
  • Weapons
  • Well casings.
Feel free to look at the broad selection of magnetic locators that we have at Engineering Supply.

What is a Schonstedt magnetic locator?

Like any other magnetic locator, this device will only find objects that are made of ferrous metals (such as iron and steel), so it won’t be able to find cable and electrical wires (which are often made of copper or aluminum). To find objects that are made from any non-ferrous or non-metallic material, you’ll have to find some other tool (such as a cable or pipe locator).

Can the Schonstedt GA-52Cx be used to locate underground pipes and cables?

Because the lines are often made of aluminum or copper (which are non-ferrous materials), the Schonstedt GA-52Cx magnetic locator won’t be able to find underground pipes and cables. This device can only find magnetic materials (such as iron or steel).

What is the Schonstedt Maggie?

The Schonstedt Maggie combines the precision of the GA-52Cx and the one-handed operation of the GA-92XT, so it can give you an easy and convenient way to find what you need without running the risk of passing over your target. It has an IP54 rating for dust and water resistance. And because of its durable design, it will give you years of extended use. Feel free to look at what we have at Engineering Supply, so you can find a Schonstedt product that’s right for you!

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