Direct Reading Laser Rods
Direct Reading Grade Rods, or True Elevation Grade Rods (also known as Lenker Rod style) is a Grade Rod with a face that allows the user to set the actual benchmark elevation, or any elevation, above or below the benchmark into the rod. The actual true elevation above sea level is read on these rods, thus eliminating errors caused by adding or subtracting. Since no math is involved, grade shots are much faster than conventional style rods. On most job sites, the bench elevation is typically established by survey, and all elevations on that project are above or below that primary bench elevation.
Benchmark - Elevation 2352.50 - Read On Rod As 2.50
Bldg. A Footing - Elevation 2351.50 - Read On Rod As 1.50
Bldg. B Finish Floor - Elevation 2353.85 - Read On Rod As 3.85
Catch Basin #12 - Elevation 2349.28 - Read On Rod As 9.28
In the USA, these elevations are typically represented in feet, tenths, and hundredths of a foot as per the example above.
The LaserLine Laser Version Direct Reading/True Elevation Rod is for use with a laser detector. They have a special slide on the left side of the rod that lets the laser detector travel the full working length of the rod. This allows faster and easier readings because it takes the awkwardness out of having to loosen the detector, move the detector, then tighten the detector for each reading.