The first step in setting up your tripod is to place it on the ground in a horizontal position close to where you need to place it. Extend the center pole to the height you need. Then, lock it in place. Lift up the tripod while it’s still in the horizontal position, turn it vertically, and set down the ground point. You also need to balance it while setting it exactly on your ground point. Extend the legs and set them in the ground. This will ensure a more secure setup. Do one leg at a time by kicking each one into the ground. Make sure the legs are a somewhat loose, so you can easily pivot the tripod for adjustment. Adjust one leg at a time until the bubble is centered. And once it has been properly balanced, you can install the antenna.
Crain is known for its unmatched stability, accuracy, and durability. These qualities are what makes this company stand above everyone else on the market. Their tripods are the only ones that feature certifiable accuracy. They outperform all other tripods in terms of functionality, their usefulness in special application, and in their availability of reliable accessories. With a Crain Tripod, you’ll have the necessary stability to get accurate results right out of the box. Crain manufactures tripods that are certified to meet or exceed ISO certifications and standards, which is proven by the presence of a serial number printed on each product. Be sure to get yours at Engineer Supply today!