Electric Erasers
Increase your productivity with an Electric Drafting Eraser. An Electric Eraser will allow you to spend less time on your mistakes but seriously, an electric eraser can allow a drafter to erase more accurately and erase single lines that are drawn close to one another, and help to reduce media (paper, vellum, mylar) damage. Electric Eraser Refills are also available and come in different types according to the media you plan to be erasing on. Once you use an Electric Eraser you'll see how productive they are and easy to use. Many people that don't do a lot of drafting, drawing or art work sketching sometimes wonder why an electric eraser would be needed. Many times we hear from people outside of the industry that they didn't know something like this was even made. But those that have been involved in the architectural, engineering and drafting world and have done any amount of manual drawing or drafting quickly learn that an electric eraser is almost a necessity.