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A market leader for manufacturing quality cutting products.

Crescent Wiss

Crescent Wiss is one of the leading manufacturers of cutting products and is part of the Apex Tool Group, which is one of the largest hand tool manufacturers in the world. Crescent Wiss scissors are among the more than 2,600 quality products that are offered under the Crescent name — one that professionals can count on to get the job done right. Feel free to look at what we have in stock, so you can find a tool that will meet your specific needs.

Crescent Wiss Features

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Premier products.

Variety of tools.

Rugged design.

Utmost in durability.

Quality manufacturing.

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The Dremel rotary tool is the perfect complement to any project (whether you’re making repairs around the house or enjoying your favorite hobby). They offer a wide range of versatile and easy-to-use rotary tools, so you’ll always have the right tool for the job. It also comes with a variety of accessories that can be used in a number of applications (such as grinding, etching, and engraving). There are even accessories for routing, cutting, and sharpening. It has a variable speed from 5,000 to 35,000 RPM, depending on the application. And it’s easy to attach an accessory kit.


The Dremel Engraver can make your engraving more efficient, which can be helpful if you’re a professional. The same is true for the Verstatip, which allows you to shape things more accurately and efficiently. If you want to make your crafting better and faster, you can use Dremel’s 200 Series Rotary Tool. It can be used in a variety of applications with its broad range of accessories. Be sure to pick yours up at Engineer Supply today!

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Crescent Wiss manufactures some of the most rugged and durable cutting tools on the market, so they can handle the toughest jobs. That’s why Engineer Supply is proud to be a Factory Authorized Dealer of Crescent Wiss snips and scissors. We know that professionals need to have access to quality tools, and we know that they need to last through years of use. If you’re ready to buy a pair of Crescent Wiss scissors, be sure to look at what we have in our store.


Whether you’re looking for a pair of scissors or some other type of cutting tool, Crescent Wiss has a product that will meet your needs. They manufacture a broad range of products that can be used in a variety of applications, and Engineer Supply is proud to carry them in our store. We have broad selection of products from top-rated manufacturers, and we can offer them to you at a competitive price. If you’re ready to purchase a pair of Crescent Wiss snips, be sure to look at what we have in our inventory.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Crescent own Wiss?

Crescent Wiss is part of the Crescent brand, which is owned by the Apex Tool Group. The brand is primarily known for inventing and patenting the first adjustable wrench. But today, they make a variety of tools (including Crescent Wiss scissors and snips).

Is Crescent Wiss American made?

All Crescent Wiss snips and scissors are manufactured in Lexington, South Carolina. It’s a premier brand that’s part of the Apex Tool Group, which is one of the largest hand tool manufacturers in the world. It's also part of the Crescent brand, which manufactures a variety of quality tools.

What are Crescent Wiss scissors used for?

The kind of scissors you find in most offices might not be enough if you work in the trades. But with a Crescent Wiss, you will have what you need to tackle most professional applications. According to the manufacturer, Crescent Wiss snips and scissors have the best force-to-cut ratio on the market.

How do I sharpen Crescent Wiss scissors?

The best method for sharpening any pair of scissors is by using diamond or ceramic plates or rods. You can also use fine belt sharpeners. But if you don’t have any of these tools, you can use a honing rod or even piece of hardened steel (such as a drill bit).

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