Light Boxes, Tracing Boxes, Tattoo Light Boxes, Hobby Light Boxes - EngineerSupply

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Providing an optimal tracing surface for architects, designers, and engineers.

Light Boxes Features

Read our Helpful Article: How to Improve Engineering Drawing Skills 10 Tips

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Architects, engineers, and designers use a scale to draw something very large or very small. They may have to scale something up or down, so the plan can be easily understood. An architect’s scale is 12 inches long, and it has six sides. It will have 12 different scales that will convert different lengths into feet. The numbers on the side will tell you which scale you’re using, and there are two sets of graduations on each side. The smaller graduations before the zero represent the 12 inches within that 1/4-inch increment. An engineering scale represents scale increments of ten, and there are only six scales (one on each side) that are larger.


A compass can be used to draw circles and arcs, while a straight edge is one of the most important tools for drafting. A scale can be used to draw something very large or very small, while an eraser is a common tool that can be used to correct mistakes. For model-making, you’ll need something to cut, cut with, and cut on. If you need to draw curves and irregular shapes, you can use French Curves (which are templates of curved edges and scroll-shaped cutouts). There are several types of paper you can use for drafting, and you can use a lettering guide to keep your letters a consistent size. There are a lot of options when it comes to drawing and writing tools, which will consist of either graphite or ink.

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If you need a light box for tracing or some other application, Engineer Supply has a variety of products from top-rated manufacturers. Light boxes can be used for a number of applications — from tracing and overlaying to organizing and reviewing slides. Tattoo artists use light boxes to trace tattoo stencils or sketches. Even hobbyists will use them for tracing art. But if you’re an architect or engineer, you can use a tracing light box to overlay blueprints or maps. If you want to find the best light box for tracing, be sure to look at what we have in stock.


If you're looking for the best light box for tracing, you can find what you need at Engineer Supply. All of our products are from top-rated brands, and we can offer them to you at a competitive price. We know that professionals need access to the right equipment, which is why we only work with the best on the market. We’re committed to offering professional-grade equipment, and it’s that commitment that has made us one of the best places to buy architectural and engineering supplies online. Feel free to look at what we have in stock, so you can find a product that’s right for you!

Frequently Asked Questions

How does a tracing light box work?

A light box for tracing is pretty simple. It’s a square or rectangular container with a glass or plexiglass surface, and it has a light that shines beneath it. You just turn it on, place the image you want to copy on the glass, put your paper on top of it, and the light will allow you to see the image clearly enough to trace it.

Why do artists use light boxes?

A light box for tracing is the best way to reproduce works of art, so it’s a great way to improve your drawing skills. You will be able to see the subtle nuances and fine details of a drawing, which can help you to emulate the work of another artist.

What kind of lamps can I use with my tracing light box?

Every light box will have a list of all the recommended fluorescent lamps in its user guide, but its color temperature will be your own choice. Daylight lamps will be the brightest, which makes them a great choice if this is an issue.

Can I cut on the surface of a light box?

Some light boxes have an acrylic top surface that can get scratched, so cutting directly on these models isn’t recommended. You can, however, find some professional-grade models with a glass top surface, which is great for cutting on with a hobby knife or rotary cutter.

What is the thickest paper I can see through?

Vellum paper (also called “tracing paper,” “see-through paper,” “transparent paper,” and “translucent paper”) is a type of smooth and delicate paper that you can see through. It can come in many different colors, weights, brands, and textures. It’s a versatile paper that has many different uses (including stationary, paper-craft, packaging, and design).

If you want to find the best light box for tracing, be sure to look at what we have at Engineer Supply.

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