Also called “electronic tape measures” or “digital measuring devices,” laser measuring tools can be used for making accurate measurements of practically anything. You can point it an object, and the distance will show up on the device’s LCD screen. They can show multiple units of measure, so you’ll have a great deal of flexibility on whatever job site in which you’re working. Because they can read from the back as well as the front, they’re great for making both wall and ceiling measurements. Just lay the device on the backside, point it up, and it will get an accurate floor-to-ceiling measurement.
As you’re deciding on which of these tools to purchase, you should compare the range or distance that they’re rated for because some devices have longer ranges than others. And some models have greater accuracy than others. Some models also have a “Pythagoras” feature, which allows you to calculate the third side of a triangle by using the Pythagorean Theorem. You can stand back from a building or some other object, point it at both corners of a specific edge, and hit the Pythagoras button to find the distance across the face of that area. It uses the Pythagorean Theorem to figure out the “triangle” you just created, and it will give you the distance of that side.