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Utility Marking: How to Prepare Before Digging

Utility Marking: How to Prepare Before Digging

The Steps You Must Take for Proper Utility Marking

There are plenty of reasons to dig on your property. Whether you’re checking for utilities or you’re looking to do some renovations, breaking ground is not a task you should take without forethought. Being careless about digging is an easy way to cause some major damage. If you want to see success with utility marking, be sure to take the right steps in advance. Review these tips and come up with a plan

Plan the Details of Your Project

Before you do anything else, you need to review the basic points surrounding your project. What exactly are you trying to accomplish? The specifics of your plan will make a world of difference to the other steps you take to locate and mark utilities. If you are not going to be the one doing the digging yourself, then you need to provide the information and contact number for the individual or business that will be handling the excavation process. Before you take any additional steps, you should mark the general area that you plan to dig. 

Plan the Details of Your Project

Check With 811

The next step in the digging process is incredibly important. You need to call 811. Typically, the process involves calling the number and speaking with a representative. The agent will provide you with a ticket number and additional information related to the individuals who will be handling your case. If you have any questions connected to the process of digging or marking for utilities, you can ask them of the agent. The representatives can provide you with insight on anything related to location. 

Check With 811

Consider the Tools

When you will be the one taking care of the excavation or marking yourself, it is important to use the proper tools. A quality utility locator can make a world of difference in the ease and speed of your project’s preliminary steps. If you need to mark, then you are going to want to look at options like a surveyor’s wheel. These tools can help you both take care of the initial measurements and the marking process. 

Consider the Tools

Wait for the Marks

When professionals are handling the process of making, then you will need to wait in order for the process to be complete. In most cases, it takes roughly two days for a team of professionals to get out and take care of the task. There are specific colors that stand for different utilities, which can be useful to understand in advance. For example, red usually stands for electric, while yellow stands for gas and orange represents cable and phone lines. Once these experts are finished, you can move on to the next step.

Wait for the Marks

Confirm the Marks

Once the professionals have taken care of the marking process, it is up to you to verify that everything is completed. When you called 811, you were given a list of utilities that are likely located on or around your property. Learn more about the color code and walk around your property, taking note of all the markings. If a major marker for a utility like water or electricity seems to be missing, it could mean that these representatives have yet to visit your property. Until all marks are made, you cannot begin to dig.

Confirm the Marks

Exercise Caution

The final step in the process of digging and marking is also the most crucial of all. There is a good reason why you need to go through many preliminary moves before you can break ground. When you take time to use a pipe locator to note any important lines or plumbing, you can avoid accidentally drilling into something that could cause an explosion or blackout. In order to prevent a disaster, you must exercise caution when digging. 

As a way of guaranteeing you don’t accidentally cause any disruptions, there is a simple failsafe you can put into place. Measure about 18 inches from all of the perimeter lines and be sure not to dig near that point. This will give you extra room to work with and give you peace of mind.

Exercise Caution

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Frequently Asked Questions

How Can I Purchase Tool for Utility Marking?

Utility Marking: How to Prepare Before Digging
When you’re ready to do some utility marking, there are plenty of tools that you will need to have handy. Review all of the different options available to you at Engineer Supply and gain more insight on which choices are best for your needs.

What Supplies Are Best for Marking Utilities?

In order to mark utilities, you want to invest in the right gear. Naturally, the exact items you purchase will depend largely on a few factors. Be sure to go over the specifics of your job in advance to make a list of all gear you will need.

What Is 811?

Calling 811 is essential before digging on your property. Essentially, 811 is a number in the United States that can be called in order to gain information on and access to local utility services and location services.

Do Different Colors Matter With Utility Marking?

As mentioned, the color system of marking utilities is quite important. Before you start to dig, you want to review the colors and gain more insight on which utility matches which shade.

What Is APWA?

Utility Marking: How to Prepare Before Digging
The American Public Works Association is a nonprofit association of public works and other entities. It is the APWA’s color system that surveyors and utility workers most often use when it comes to marking property for various purposes.

Breaking ground on a project is not a step you should rush through. In order for you to avoid major disaster and see your plans through successfully, you need to take time to go through all of the appropriate steps. Take time to contact 811, review the parameters of your project, and understand the color system involved in utility marking. Review your options for tools and supplies at Engineer Supply and ensure your plans go exactly how you envision.
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