All Brands and Models of Magnetic Locators - EngineerSupply

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Quality magnetic locators from top-rated brands.

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If you’re looking for a magnetic locator that will last through years of extensive use, Engineer Supply carries some of the best brands on the market. The models we carry are known for their features (such as gain, sensitivity, and speaker volume), but you can also find a variety of accessories (including hard and soft cases). Whether you’re looking for a Schonstedt magnetic locator or some other brand, feel free to look at what we have in our store.

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A magnetic locator can be used to find ferrous objects underground, underwater, or inside a layer of snow. It can also come with adjustable sensitivity settings, so you can find a small object up to 3 feet underground or a large object up to 17 feet underground. This tool can be used to find a variety of objects (such as PK nails and iron pipes), which is why it’s a common tool for anyone who does excavation work. If you’re looking for a CST magnetic locator or a tool from some other brand, be sure to look at what we have at Engineer Supply.


The Earth’s magnetic field is represented by lines that resemble a common magnet. There’s a level of this magnetic field present at every point, and there are some metals (such as iron and steel) that start to develop their own magnetic fields. Non-magnetic metals (such as aluminum, copper, and gold) aren’t affected by the Earth’s magnetic field. So, they don’t respond in the same way. Magnetic locators can detect the difference in the magnetic field, which is present when an object is affecting it. This is achieved through sensors that are spaced a certain distance apart. When there’s no object, the difference is the same. But it changes when an object is present. This difference is called a “gradient,” which is represented by a tone that changes pitch. And some models display it on a bar graph.

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If you’re looking for a tool that will allow you to locate ferrous object underground, underwater, or under the snow, Engineer Supply has a broad selection of magnetic locators from some of the best manufacturers in the industry. A magnetic locator is the perfect tool for finding underground utility lines that are made of magnetic metals (such as iron or steel), which is why it’s a must-have for anyone who does excavation work. Whether you’re looking for a CST magnetic locator or a tool from some other company, be sure to look at what we have in stock.


If you’re a professional, you want to get the results you need as quickly as possible. That's why you need a tool that’s as easy to use as it is accurate. At Engineer Supply, you can find a magnetic locator that will give you what you need with little or no hassle. And because we work with top-rated manufacturers, you can find one that will last through years of rugged use. If you’re ready to purchase a Schonstedt magnetic locator or a tool from some other manufacturer, be sure to look at what we have in stock.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a magnetic locator?

A magnetic locator can find underground objects that are made of ferrous metals by using the Earth’s magnetic field. Unlike a pipe and cable locator, it doesn’t emit a signal. Instead, it measures distortions in the magnetic field, which will surround an object that’s made of iron, steel, or any other magnetic metal.

How does a magnetic locator work?

A magnetic locator can detect the magnetic fields of buried objects with a pair of sensors that are spaced along its shaft. Because this field weakens with distance, the signal difference between the sensors can determine if a ferrous object is present.

Can I buy a magnetic locator with a soft case?

Whether it’s a Schonstedt magnetic locator or from some other brand, you can find a variety of compatible accessories (including both hard and soft cases). If you’re looking for a place where you can choose from some of the best magnetic locators on the market, be sure to look at what we have at Engineer Supply.

What's the difference between a magnetic locator and a metal detector?

While both devices can be used to find metals and metallic objects, their functionality is far from equal. Magnetic locators are primarily used to find ferrous metals, and their sensitivity depends on the size and distance of the buried object. Metal detectors can be used to find all types of metals and minerals. But unlike a magnetic locator (which can find objects that are buried several feet underground), a metal detector can only find objects that are 6-10 inches beneath the surface.

Where can I buy a quality magnetic locator?

At Engineer Supply, we carry magnetic locators from many of the most recognized brands in the industry. Some of them include but may not be limited to:
  • Subsurface Instruments
  • Schonstedt
  • Dunham and Morrow
  • ChrisNik
  • CST/Berger
  • PipeHorn
If you’re looking for a quality magnetic locator that will give you the best possible results, be sure to look at what we have in our store.

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