How to Take Care of Drafting Tools: Expert Tips - EngineerSupply

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How to Take Care of Drafting Tools

Whether you are a professional contractor, surveyor, or utility worker, having the right tools is essential for accurate and efficient work. A magnetic locator is a must-have device when locating underground utilities or buried ferrous objects. However, choosing the right magnetic locator can be overwhelming with various models available on the market. Drafting tools are essential for design, architecture, or art. These delicate and intricate instruments require proper care to ensure they function correctly and last long. By following some simple steps and developing a routine, you can keep your drafting tools in pristine shape.

Here's a guide to taking care of your drafting tools:

Organize Your Tools

Start by laying out all your drafting tools and separating them into groups based on their type. Gather pencils, markers, erasers, rulers, stencils, paper, and other miscellaneous items.

Clean the Supplies

Use a gentle cleaner and a cleaning cloth to wipe down drafting supplies with residue. Pencils, markers, stencils, and rulers can often retain oils from your fingers. Remove any black marks from erasers by rubbing them against a clean piece of paper until the smudges disappear. To remove black marks, you can stretch and reshape kneaded erasers into a ball.

taking care of drafting tools

Take Care of Your Drafting Brush and Drafting Table

Use your hands to brush through your drafting brush and get rid of any loose dirt or debris. Next, take a cleaning cloth and wipe the handle to remove any remaining residue. Ensure your drafting table is clean and clutter-free for an organized workspace.

Store Drafting Papers Properly

Roll up your drafting papers tightly and secure them with rubber bands at each end. Store the rolled papers in a drafting tube to protect them

Organize Your Tools Tray

Use an organizer tray to store pens, markers, erasers, lead refills, push pins, paper clips, small rulers, and mounting stickers. Keep everything in its designated slot for easy access.

Handle Your Compass

Wipe your compass clean with a cloth. Wind it down until straight if you store it in the organizer tray. If it has its case, wind it to the size set for storage and place it in the box.

Create a Stencil Holder

Make a folder to hold all your stencils. Use card stock paper to create holding flaps in ascending order, allowing you to easily layer and access the stencils. Place the stencil holder in a large plastic or mesh pouch, with a dry cleaning cloth over the stencils to keep them clean.

Assemble Your Carrying Pouch

Put the drafting brush, rulers, and the organizer tray with your pens and markers into the pouch. If the compass has a storage box, place it in the pouch. Now you have a portable carrying pouch with all your major tools.

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Consider Your Work Area

If you have a fixed workspace, arrange your organizer trays on shelves or use stackable trays near your work table for easy access.

Final Thoughts

By following these steps and developing a routine for organizing, cleaning, and storing your drafting tools, you can make sure they stay in excellent condition and serve you well for a long time. Proper care and maintenance will extend your tools' life and enhance your work's quality.

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